Monday, April 9, 2012

The early simptom of sincerity

Sincerity, a word that is easy to say but only a few who struggle, sacrifice and have determination to achieve it. Not everyone is able to  see it  fully, about what sincere is. So not so many who are fully struggle for it. For those who understand  the energy produced from this sincerity, they will work hard, struggle hard, willingly, tirelessly, using their time and money to get it. Because they know starting from this  sincerity the door of God's heart gradually opened to us. Just a little the Heart of God's heart  open to us, we could feel His presence in every moment. The more the sincerity in every actions we have, the larger the heart of God available for us.. Sakinah (God peace) that dwells in our hearts is getting stronger. On the other hand the blessing of God for us is more in showing the hidden forms of shirk – where, once we couldn’t see it - and then it shown  to us.
Day after day we go through it by fighting, struggling and continuing to straighten out the intentions in the heart. And this is an unending struggle. If someone does not feel it, that his days are struggles against insincerity, then surely it means that Allah doesn’t  not give him a grace to know the most dangerous enemy, that’s hidden shirk.
Sincerity does not mean not complain at all, do not cry, do not seek a way out in every problem we are facing. But keep seeking a way out  physically and  put trust in God totally and believe that He sends it  to cleanse our heart, to free us from wrong intentions, from  unfruitful intentions. God cuts  useless  branches, so that it fruitful and have a high price. Asking God to have a kind of heart that is easy to follow His will is important. God will never refuse the request of his servant, if it done sincerely and seriously. And if what we are asking is  more about spiritual matter, it shows that we are starting  to  move more to put God above the anything else. And this is a good symptom.


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