Prophet Muhammad has explained clearly about personality we should have when we are employer, this kind of character is the picture of people who want to get happiness, either here in this world as well as in the here after. May be it could be difficult for the people, who don't know who God is, what God wants in our life?. But for people who know God, he knows this is exactly what God wants, and he will be willing to act upon God will. Here it is the personality that we should have, Prophet Muhammad says:
"Your servant or the people who work for you are your brothers, and it is just coincidence that Allah has put them under your authority, and so, whosoever has brother under his authority in this manner, he should feed them with similar food to that which he eat, and he should clothe them with similar clothing to which he clothe himself. And do not ask them to do something so difficult to do, if you want to instruct them to do something very difficult, you stand up and help them"
عن أبي ذر رضي
الله عنه قال : ساببت رجلاً فعيرته بأمه ، فقال لي النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم ( يا أبا ذر أعيرته بأمه؟ إنك امرؤ فيك جاهلية
، إخوانكم خولكم جعلهم الله تحت أيديكم ، فمن كان أخوه تحت يده فليطعمه مما يأكل ، وليلبسه مما
يلبس ولا تكلفوهم ما يغلبهم ، فإن كلفتموهم فأعينوهم) أخرجه البخاري( .
"Karyawanmu atau orang yang bekerja untuk anda adalah saudara anda, dan adalah kebetulan bahwa Allah menempatkan mereka dibawah otoritas anda, maka, siapa saja punya saudara dibawah otoritasnya dalam hal ini, dia mesti memberi makan sama seperti makanan yang dia makan, memberi pakaian seperti yang dia pakai sendiri. dan jangan meminta mereka melakukan pekerjaan yang berat, jika memberi pekerjaan yang berat maka bantu mereka."
It means that we must be humble and treat our brothers and sisters as we want to be treated. and this that could lead us to get a paradise. Arrogance will never make us happy, it only will create messy in our life.
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